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In her debut solo exhibition, Voyager, Donia presents a surreal context of human connection and mental stability expressed through depictions of ghostly vignetted figures, drawn hovering in off-kilter voids.
The collection ponders origins of consciousness and connection and reflects upon not only the artist's journey life but, the human race overall as voyagers through time and space, from galactic dust, to microbe, to ape, to star-faring beings, to all that we could potentially become from here.
Additionally, the title Voyager gives homage to the Voyager Space Program which helped Earthlings view and explore the outer planets for the first time and are the first man-made devices to leave our solar system.
Odyssey2 | SignsOfTomorrow-full |
TranquilityBase1 | The Conception of Nebula_donia |
Libras in Equilibrium - donia | Nova |
fugue-invisible | Traverse |
Segments Orbital | Segments Galactic |
Cold Comfort | Extasis |
Asphysix | AstralMindset_framed |
GravitySymptoms--framed | Janetian-12inX15in |
Agnosia-12inX15inFramed | Zarah-12inX15inFramed |
Oracle-9x9in-unframed | SuperMoon1 |
Dawning-Clouds | Daydream-Clouds |
Fantasy-Clouds |
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